A Way out of living "in the Life"
Scarlet Rope Project provides a holistic individual care plan for each woman in our program. We strive daily to be a trauma informed care agency by implementing the six principles of TIC into our care and support for the residents: Safety, Choice, Collaboration, Trustworthiness, Empowerment, and Culture.


Showing everyone is worthy of love. For most coming into the residential home, they never felt a true sense of love. There understanding of love has often been shaped by manipulation and abusive tactics. We want to model and exemplify the love of Christ to each woman entering the doors at SRP.
We believe that truth is not only an important aspect within communication, it is also vital when it comes to personal beliefs and motivation. The truth within our personal worth and value is truly life-giving and transformative. When individuals begin to understand their purpose and beauty within their existence, they become free to life fully and with joy. We also prioritize honesty and integrity when it comes to personal conduct and our interactions with others.
Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

Questioning God and religion is something we often see in the women in the residential home and we get excited about it. We know this is how a relationship with Christ can begin. Survivors of sex trafficking have experienced unthinkable trauma. We point them to Christ and remind them he didn't cause their trauma but he can restore and redeem them from it.

Developing a relationship between staff and survivor that supports her healing and recovery by pointing out her strengths. When strengths are acknowledged and used, the empowerment can begin to happen.
Realizing each survivor enters into the SRP residential home from different backgrounds (economic, religious, educational, parental) and different trafficking situations. The staff and survivor develop a plan of care that is specific to her needs and goals.
Applying the six principles of TIC; safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness, empowerment and culture, fosters an environment of healing and evidence based practices. TIC recognizes the presence of trauma symptoms and acknowledges the role trauma may play in an individual's life.
A safe place to call home with 24/7 staffing
SRP provides housing, utilities, groceries, etc. Job Placement Assistance
Tutoring and guided preparation for the HiSET (high school equivalency test)
Counseling with trained trauma therapist
Individual and group with licensed counselors
MRT (Moral Reconation Therapy)
Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous/Celebrate Recovery Meetings
Intensive Outpatient Program/Drug Court
Parenting Classes
Financial Planning Classes
Daily Bible Studies
Mentor Program
Art Therapy
Cooking Classes
Mindfulness Techniques/Yoga
Elevate Academy Curriculum
Ending the Game Curriculum
Opportunities for Community Volunteering